SCIPPER Programs

We have a variety of programs that our team has put together in order to help support our mission

Field Trips

Physicians, medical students and other volunteers from the USA make trips to visit SCIPs in Pakistan and provide updates and deliver assistance as needed.

Computer Training and English Classes

SCIPPER provides computer training and English classes to SCIPs to enable them to seek job opportunities.

Housing for the Disabled

PAKSBAB, an engineering company in California, designed a unique home for SCIPPER that is adapted for persons with disabilities.

The home is built using straw-bale technology and has been recognized in 2015 by the UN-Habitat’s Global Network for Sustainable Housing as a novel, environmentally friendly, affordable, sustainable, and seismically sound structure that offers a viable housing solution for persons with disabilities, particularly those residing in earthquake prone remote mountainous terrains and other parts of the developing world.

This is a photo of this Model Home that SCIPPER-PAKSBAB-HF built for a paraplegic girl and her family in Bagh, Kashmir. A home costs about USD 15,000. Twelve homes have been built uptill now by generous donors and provided free to the disabled persons.

MDMI - SCIPPER Neuro-Rehabilitation Center established in Muzaffarabad, Kashmir

A free MDMI-SCIPPER Neuro-Rehabilitation Center was established in May 2022 at the MDMI hospital in Muzaffarabad, Kashmir. This provides free neuro-rehabilitation to paralyzed SCIPs and facilitates their care through local and international Telehealth.

First Free MDMI - SCIPPER Medical Camp for SCIPs in Kashmir

SCIPPER collaborated with the Midland Doctors Medical Institute (MDMI) in Muzaffarabad,
Kashmir in 2021, and organized the first, free medical camp for SCIPs living in the remote
mountains of Kashmir. Medical teams from the Combined Military Hospital, Abbas Institute of
Medical Sciences and the Paraplegic Center Peshawar participated in the camp. Telehealth support was also provided from the USA during the camp.

Psychiatric Care

Many paralyzed patients in developing countries face immense hardships and develop serious
psychiatric symptoms. SCIPPER provides regular peer group and individual therapy locally and via telehealth to give SCIPs emotional support. It also has volunteer psychiatrists who treat SCIPs locally and via telehealth from abroad. SCIPPER’s Regional Director in Kashmir, Dr. Anam Najam is a psychiatrist who supervises this program.

International Telehealth

SCIPPER has an International Telehealth Program in which doctors and other volunteers in the USA and Pakistan, regularly call SCIPs to assess their condition and provide them with
psychological support.

Medical Care

SCIPPER arranges for the comprehensive medical care of SCIPs. They are provided with free medicines, hospital care and transportation from remote mountainous areas. This is coordinated between local and international medical teams.